Suchira Ray

Content Writer | Editor| Digital Marketer

Professional Content Writer with 3.5years of relevant experience providing businesses and brands a voice

Tech & Travel, Creative, Marketing Copy, B2B, B2C , SaaS, Blogs, Website Content & Social Media Copy

Into the Heart of Ice and Fire: 5 Unique Experiences in Svalbard

Into the Heart of Ice and Fire: 5 Unique Experiences in Svalbard

Nestled between Norway and the North Pole, Svalbard, an Arctic wonderland, offers travellers unique, extraordinary experiences. As a remote Arctic archipelago located midway between mainland Norway and the North Pole, it is a unique and pristine wilderness experience that is not easily accessible elsewhere.

Its untouched landscapes, glaciers, and polar wildlife put the glory of a perfectly curated Instagram grid to shame—a destin

Why can't polar bears live in other cold regions?

Why can't polar bears live in other cold regions?

We are sure you have often seen those social media pictures of a cute white, chubby cub napping calmly on their mumma bear's velvety back amidst all the snow. Polar bears are one of the major attractions at the North Pole apart from the midnight sun and Arora. But have you ever wondered why they’re only found in the north, not in another cold region, or even at the South Pole? Well, let’s find out!

Where can you find polar bears?

Most polar be

Why should you travel to the arctic in the middle of the winter

Why Should You Travel to The Arctic in the middle of the Winter

Traveling to the Arctic winter is an exquisite and transformative experience offering a unique perspective. The Arctic's pristine, snow-covered landscapes, the mesmerizing Northern Lights, and the opportunity to engage in traditional winter activities make it a once-in-a-lifetime adventure. This harsh land and extreme temperature test your resilience in every step and shape your character apart from giving you a beautiful travel ex

10 Reasons to Visit The Arctic

If you dream of touching the mysterious wilderness, refuge to the remotest corner of the earth where animals roam freely and co-exist with humans on the same land, frozen land and inky ocean beneath an aurora-lit sky, Arctic is the place for you. Embark on an unforgettable journey to the northernmost part of the world filled with adventure, uncertainty, and new learnings.

Where is the Arctic?

The Arctic is a unique and vast region that covers parts of eight countries, including Canada, Greenla

Arctic Travel Guide

If your adventurer's soul is still looking for a raw, adventurous voyage to feel on top of the world, the Arctic is in store. The Arctic, with parts from several countries of Europe and North America, sits literally on the top of the world with minimum human habitat, diversified polar wildlife, and frozen oceans and lands.

Where is the Arctic?

The Arctic is a unique and vast region that covers parts of eight countries, including Canada, Greenland, Iceland, Norway, Sweden, Finland, Russia, and

First Timers Guide To Patagonia

Patagonia is a vast geographical region located at the southern end of South America, governed by Argentina and Chile. Patagonia is a paradise for nature lovers, adventure-seekers, and photographers, making it an ideal destination for those seeking untouched wilderness and unique landscapes.

Patagonia is a region in southern South America that is shared mostly by Argentina and Chile. It crosses the two countries' southern borders, covering a large and diverse area.

10 Exciting Things To Do Near The Hosteller Koramangala

Welcome to the vibrant neighborhood of Koramangala. You're in luck if you plan to stay at The Hosteller in Koramangala! Most of Bengaluru’s happening destinations, be it Bangalore Palace or Lalbagh Botanical Garden, the start-up and professional hub HSR Layout, shopping paradise Commercial street, everything is in 10 km vicinity! So, buckle your seatbelt and get ready to enjoy the Silicon Valley of India like no other!
This blog will guide you through ten exciting activities to spend your days in Bangalore!

Must Try food in Gokarna and where to find them

So you’re saying you have been to Gokarna, and all you had was the fancy continental cuisine or English breakfast? Are you also among those who imagine Gokarna as the pristine beachfront of a supremely aristocratic cafe serving creamy pasta with buns in the fanciest bone china? Well, you’re missing something significant, my friend! This beach town is more than its foreign vibe; the Gokarna food scene is full of local delicacies with vibrant looks and flavors. Come with us and take a deep dive in

Gokarna on a Budget: A Weekend Getaway Under 3000 Rupees

Chewing your pen cap, looking blankly at your screen in the cubicle, and dreaming about milky white sea waves breaking through your feet, yet your bank balance is laughing at you, and you can’t do anything about it? Is this scenario relatable to you? We bet it is. No worries, we’re here to help. We have a weekend trip in mind that you can cover without spending much- specifically Rs.3000! Unbelievable? Gokarna is there to welcome you with its turquoise water and vibrant beaches.

10 Unusual Things to Explore in Gokarna

We have no doubt that you are a pro-traveler and may have roamed many beaches by now. But we can assure you that Gokarna is different. From its uniquely shaped beaches like Om resembling the Sankrit sign Om to luminous beaches with bio-luminescence, Gokarna offers an exceptional experience with pristine beaches surrounded by forests and hillocks. But you can do much more besides strolling on the beaches and cafe hopping or gorging into seafood! This blog will give you some ideas about going beyond the touristy stuff and nurturing your true traveler soul in Gokarna.

8 Best Places to Travel in Monsoon in India

The season of chai-pakoda is on the threshold, ready to knock on your door. The time has come to savor that aromatic cup of coffee while gazing at the gentle cascade of raindrops through the windowpane. Whether you are an urban dweller, finding joy in rain-kissed skyscrapers, or seeking solace in the tranquility of forests and mystical mountains, the monsoon season invites you to embrace the romanticism it holds. Monsoon in India not only brings the scent of damp earth but also infuses the humid air with a nostalgic fervor. Embarking on a monsoon trip becomes a glorious celebration of this captivating season.

software testing company for startups - How to choose the best?

In the fast-paced and competitive world of startups, ensuring a seamless user experience and delivering top-notch software products are paramount for success. However, the challenges of limited resources and expertise often leave founders juggling between core development tasks and quality assurance (QA) efforts. This is where the power of outsourcing QA services comes to the rescue. By entrusting QA to experienced professionals, startups can optimize their development process, expedite time-to-

Salesforce's Einstein GPT - The Game Changer in Consumer Goods Industry

The consumer goods industry is currently experiencing unprecedented shifts in shopping trends, preferences, and customer expectations. In the rapidly changing landscape, businesses must constantly evolve to meet the rising demands of their consumers while staying ahead of the competition. A key component driving this evolution is the adoption of artificial intelligence (AI).

Welcome to the transformative world of commerce and consumer goods, where Salesforce’s Einstein GPT is revolutionizing th

Partnering with a Professional Testing Company - Benefits

Hey, so you’re a project lead, and are those bug tickets raised by your consumers hampering your sleep? Do you need help with the budget for the vicious product launch cycle? Are you too stuck in the tug-of-war of developer vs. tester? Are you scratching your head from time to get your developers and testers in the same line? A robust quality assurance service can answer all of your problems. Partnering with a Professional Testing Company is a good option for robust quality assurance.

Can havin

The Future of Cloud Migration: Trends and Implications

Cloud migration has been a buzzword for quite some time now, and with the recent advancements in cloud technology, the trend is only set to grow stronger. The cloud has transformed the way organizations operate, providing them with unprecedented levels of scalability, flexibility, and agility. The COVID-19 pandemic has further catalyzed the adoption of cloud services, as organizations worldwide had to shift to remote work and ensure business continuity. As we progress, it’s becoming increasingly

Five Reasons to Consider Salesforce for your Financial Services

Do you want to avoid scattered finance data from different sources? Is it difficult to bring your sales & marketing team together with your finance? Unable to get an accurate insight into your business due to inaccurate financial data? Do you need help merging your accounting system with your CRM? Or, are you looking to dramatically change your all-over financial services? A service that is more personalized and more inclined to your customers’ individual goals? Salesforce can solve all these. S

6 Best Road Trips For Summer 2023

It's never too late to ignite that adventure sense in you. Summer 2023 is fast approaching, and what better way to beat the heat than by embarking on a thrilling road trip across India? Be ready to get lost in the diversified landscapes of India. Leave everything behind and rejuvenate your heart and soul with the smell of the fuel and soil. With so many incredible destinations, we've narrowed it down to the top 6 best summer road trips of 2023 that you simply can't miss out on.

How Augmented Reality is Revolutionizing every Industry

Humans yearn for an easier life. And this constant aspiration of making lifestyle easier pushes humanity to invent new technologies and upgrade them continuously. How convenient it would be if someday, no one actually won’t need to hold a mobile phone constantly in their hands; instead, they can control all the functionalities just with their hand gestures or head nod and voice commands. The industrial digitization is on demand and people are adopting these changes.

On the other hand, the advan

Understanding Humanized Artificial Intelligence

Ever wonder how magically Amazon knows what exactly you would need for your household items? Or how is Netflix recommending you movies and shows as per your taste and choice? And worst thing worst, you’re trying to be strict on your diet, and then the food delivery app sends you a notification about your favorite junk food? How do they do it?! Well, the answer is Artificial Intelligence.

AI is a technique of getting machines to work and behave like humans. For, past few years, AI has been used

How Augmented Reality is Revolutionizing every Industry

Humans yearn for an easier life. And this constant aspiration of making lifestyle easier pushes humanity to invent new technologies and upgrade them continuously. How convenient it would be if someday, no one actually won’t need to hold a mobile phone constantly in their hands; instead, they can control all the functionalities just with their hand gestures or head nod and voice commands. The industrial digitization is on demand and people are adopting these changes.

On the other hand, the advan

Breakthrough of AR Technology in Mobile Apps

Augmented Reality has become a boom in the past few years ever since Pokemon Go was launched in the market. You’ll hardly find anyone who’s not familiar with the term AR. With its applicability in diversified fields like automation, education, healthcare, travel, the mobile augmented reality market is growing like anything! The immersive nature of any AR apps increases user involvement and thus helps increase consumer sustainability for a business. Research shows that the AR in mobile app market

Understanding Humanized Artificial Intelligence

Ever wonder how magically Amazon knows what exactly you would need for your household items? Or how is Netflix recommending you movies and shows as per your taste and choice? And worst thing worst, you’re trying to be strict on your diet, and then the food delivery app sends you a notification about your favorite junk food? How do they do it?! Well, the answer is Artificial Intelligence.

AI is a technique of getting machines to work and behave like humans. For, past few years, AI has been used
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